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Renu Dental Blog

Scheduling Blues: Are Same-Day Crowns as Quick as They Sound?

June 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — renudental @ 3:05 pm
Calendar covered in Post-it note reminders

Your schedule is packed. One more calendar item is all it will take to throw everything off. Unfortunately, life has just given you a doozy of a lemon: you need a dental crown. And you needed it yesterday.

It’s no wonder you’re stressed. A traditionally crafted crown could require two or more visits and has to be sent to a special lab for production. You might not even have your permanent restoration placed until a month later. Blocking off that much time would be difficult for anyone.

It’s a good thing that dental technology has paved the way for same-day crowns! Keep reading to see why “same-day” really does mean same-day.


How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

March 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — renudental @ 1:25 am

Model of a dental implant replacing a lower toothDental implants revolutionized tooth replacement methods. A dental implant is unlike any other treatment because it replicates both the tooth root and the crown, providing results that look and feel natural. Not to mention, dental implants have over a 95% success rate, and they can last for decades. Here’s how long you can expect your new smile to last and what you can do to get the most from your investment.


Addressing Tooth Sensitivity in Children

February 7, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — renudental @ 3:31 pm
child suffering from oral sensitivity touching cheek

If your child mentions tooth sensitivity, it’s crucial to pay attention and address their discomfort. While it may not seem urgent, it could signal an underlying issue that needs attention. As a concerned parent, it’s important to understand the problem and find ways to treat it, ensuring your child’s comfort and happiness. Read on to discover the causes of tooth sensitivity in children as well as helpful tips for managing it.


6 New Year’s Resolutions for a Healthier Smile in 2024

December 20, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — renudental @ 6:21 pm
Notepad, cup of coffee, glasses, and pen on desk

With 2024 rapidly approaching, there’s no better time to assess your current habits and see where there is room for improvement. Your dental hygiene regimen is a great place to start! If you want to improve your oral health, then keep reading for six New Year’s resolutions for a healthier smile.


Celebrating October as Dental Hygiene Month: Tips for a Healthy Smile

October 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — renudental @ 11:09 am

October is more than just pumpkin spice lattes and Halloween costumes; it’s also Dental Hygiene Month! This annual observance reminds us of the importance of taking care of our oral health. After all, a healthy smile not only boosts our confidence but also contributes to our overall well-being. In this blog, we’ll explore why October is dedicated to dental hygiene and provide you with essential tips to maintain your pearly whites this season.


Get Your Fillings Before Your Dental Insurance Benefits Reset

September 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — renudental @ 12:45 pm
Close-up of a dental benefits claims form

When you visit the dentist for a checkup, you may be told that you need to have a filling placed. The question is, how soon should you have the procedure done? In general, it’s best to get your filling as quickly as possible – especially if it’s almost time for your dental insurance plan to reset. Here’s why having a filling placed now could be the best choice when it comes to protecting your smile and maximizing your dental insurance benefits.


How Long Will I Need to Wear Braces?

July 27, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — renudental @ 9:47 pm

Gloved hands applying braces on teethIf you missed your chance for braces as a teen or your teeth have shifted over time, you’re never too old to invest in a straight, healthy smile. Traditional braces can fix bite and alignment issues, but how long will you need to wear them? Here’s how long your journey to a straight smile might take.


Can Smokers Get Dental Implants?

May 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — renudental @ 7:34 am
grainy gray photo of someone smoking

Dental implants are an incredibly popular tooth replacement option, and their remarkable reliability has quite a bit to do with that. Over 95% of dental implants are successful at 20 years, meaning that you can expect yours to last you for decades if you care for them well.

That said, there are some factors that could potentially put your dental implants at risk. Smoking, for example, can pose a problem for the security of your dental implants. If you’re curious, here’s what the data says.


Foods That You Should Avoid After Whitening Your Teeth

March 16, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — renudental @ 1:11 am
person showing off teeth after professional whitening treatment

Having a stained beam can make it hard for you to love your pearly whites. To address dental discoloration, many patients opt for teeth whitening treatments. Compared to store-bought alternatives, professional whitening offers safe, consistent, and long-lasting results. After brightening your teeth, it’s essential to avoid certain foods and drinks for a few days to maintain your results. Continue reading to learn about some foods and drinks you should avoid and what you should eat and drink instead.


Can Your Dental Implants Get Stained?

January 18, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — renudental @ 7:03 pm
a woman smiling at her dental implants in the mirror at the dentist

While smiling has been proven to have many benefits to your life, not all people like to show theirs. A study conducted by OnePoll revealed that 57% of Americans cover their mouths when they laugh due to insecurity over their teeth and one in two will even try to smile with their mouth closed. This largely has to do with the discoloration of their “not-so-pearly whites”. There are many reasons for teeth stains, including consuming dark-colored foods and beverages, medications, and even just being older. But are your dental implants capable of being affected by these things, too? Read on to discover if they can become stained and how to best protect your restoration!

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