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Dental Checkups & Cleanings – Crookston, MN

Routine Maintenance for Your Smile

Happy patient during dental checkup and cleaning in Crookston

It is recommended that everyone visits their dentist twice a year for a cleaning and checkup. These appointments allow us to catch problems early on — often well before they begin to cause noticeable symptoms. Plus, they have the potential to help you save money on restorative care. Has it been a while since your last preventive appointment? If so, we urge you to contact us to schedule a visit. Your smile will thank you for your diligence!

Why Are Regular Dental Checkups & Cleanings Important?

Male patient smiling during his preventive appointment

There are several reasons why regularly visiting your dentist in Crookston for preventive care is important:

  • Catch dental problems early on. Often, cavities and gum disease do not cause any obvious symptoms in their earliest stages. As highly trained dental professionals, we can identify these issues and treat them before they become serious and lead to a painful dental emergency.
  • At-home oral hygiene cannot remove tartar. If you miss even small bits of plaque when you are brushing your teeth, they can harden into tartar, which is impossible to remove with at-home oral hygiene tools. Our team, however, has the instruments and training necessary to get rid of tartar.
  • Protect your overall health. There is a strong correlation between poor oral health and several systemic conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, and more. Your efforts to care for your smile can benefit your whole body!

What to Expect During a Dental Checkup

Patient reclining in dental chair, getting her teeth examined

During a dental checkup in Crookston, our team may take some X-Rays of your mouth to get a glimpse of what is happening beneath the gumline. We will also use our eyes and special instruments, such as a dental probe, to look for spots of decay in your teeth. Additionally, we will examine your gums and measure them to identify areas of recession or infection.

Your checkup will also include a conversation wherein we ask about your health, your current medications, and lifestyle factors that may affect your teeth and gums. For example, if you smoke, are pregnant, or are undergoing cancer treatment, we should know so we can adjust your care according to your unique circumstances.

What to Expect During a Dental Cleaning 

Close-up of patient’s mouth during polishing part of dental cleaning

During a teeth cleaning in Crookston, a hygienist will thoroughly clean your teeth. This involves using special tools to scrape off tartar, flossing in the tight spaces between your teeth, and polishing your enamel to remove surface stains. If you have dental implants, braces, or other special circumstances, this part of your appointment may involve extra steps to make sure your mouth gets thoroughly cleaned.

Your cleaning is a golden opportunity to ask any questions you may have about how to care for your teeth at home. Hygienists are full of excellent recommendations and tips on both oral hygiene techniques and the best products to address a range of oral health concerns.